Art Classes
- Union after school art program: The program includes two development cycles, the fist cycle introduce and expose the child to the basic notion of drawing and painting. During the second Cycle the student will learn composition and expand it new found abilities in painting and drawing.
- Art exploration class: The class explores the world of painting, drawing, collage, and mixed-media with activities design to help the child immerse itself on the visual arts through guided self exploration.
Mental And healthcare Ed
- Hands for Mental Health Project: The Foundation in cooperation other institutions creates an annual conference addressing problem related to mental health, health related issues affecting children’s and adults with disabilities.
- Institutional education: We offer classes with education credit addressing:
- Children with disabilities education
- Class management techniques for children with disabilities
- How to Identified developmental problems in a child
- For other topics please contact the foundation
Recycling Programs
We receive donation of new and use durable medical equipment; all use equipment is properly repair and put back into usable condition. The equipment received is later donated to children’s in need in the USA or abroad. For donations please contact the Foundation.
Other services
The following services please contact the foundation as they are made available only by request or as part of specific events.
- Art & craft classes for adult
- English conversation classes
- Financial education Seminars
- Medical emergencies and nutritional seminars
- Interpreting seminars
Legal & social Assistance:
- Free Legal Consult
- Notary public services
- Help in a box program
- Cell and empty ink cartridges recycling program
- Free dental Checkups for children’s
- Scholarships (available only when funding is been secure)